Recently,i joined this "coalition" or "resistance group" and this was pretty much inexorable as the urge to sleep in is like an impetus.Our group is based in the heartland of Tampines,otherwise called Tampines Interchange.And almost everyone of us,is armed with a watch,and along with a strong faith,we stand and wait.
And every now and then we'd glance anxiously at our watches waiting for the savior to arrive.When it does arrive,we board it and the process repeats.Just that this time we await for our destination,a place surrounded by fences and a security guard at the entrance.The wait finally ends with a brisk walk to the gates and with some luck the way isn't shut by the gatekeeper.And then this cycle repeats everyday,which could explain why i'm now an advocate of strong faith currently.
And just yesterday,i kinda realised that breaking rules is kinda fun and thrilling in a way.Apparently the gates were sort of closed cause it just wasn't time for us to be released.But the group of us reached a consensus about that in two words."Screw it!"And so we began our close imitation of prison break,only we're smarter.We didn't need months,or any tattooing of the school's blueprints.And we did what any right thinking student wouldn't do,that is attempting to walk past the guard and hope he won't notice us.Equipped with our backpacks,and feeling like nothing could stop us,we approached the gates and prayed for a miracle.Well,god must have liked one of us,cause a car drove in and that was enough diversion for us to sneak out.But not without him shouting "OEI YOU!OEI!" at us.The thrill of getting into trouble is addictive,and flouting rules gets the adrenaline pumped.
Alright,i've tried my best at squeezing out an entry and i've done it.Spiderman3 again tomorrow with mates,can't wait!
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